A Glimpse Into My Life
I get asked all the time where I get the ideas from my books. Another question I hear quite often is, “Why are your books so dark?”
The answer is simple: I get the ideas from my own life.
I’ve had countless people in my life that have made the decision to end their lives. I have been the one left to suffer when they realized they don’t want to fight anymore.
I have woken up to several messages, “__ killed/hung/shot himself last night.”
I have been the person who stayed up all night talking to a friend I had fallen out of touch with because he posted a cryptic message on Facebook. By the time we finished talking, he PROMISED me he would be okay. He PROMISED me he wouldn’t do anything stupid.
Promises are made to be broken, because twenty minutes after we stopped talking, that particular friend shot himself.
I have been the girl stuck in an abusive relationship, making excuses for my abuser. I really believed I had done something to deserve it. I believed him when he told me no one else would want me. I have been the girl who cuts herself in private because I just wanted needed one thing in my life I could control.
I have been the girl so uncomfortable with her body that I developed an eating disorder.
I have been the parent/sister/friend of numerous LGBTQ individuals, always worried about how the world will accept them.
Through all of this, I felt alone. No one would understand what I was going through. No one could understand how I felt.
I was wrong.
I was not alone. There was always someone dealing with a similar situation. There was always someone I could talk to. Someone that wouldn’t judge me, but just listen.
I want to be that person.
If you are suffering, you don’t have to feel alone. Reach out. Check out my Resources page for more help.