Writing Update

Too Many Ideas; Not Enough Time

The release date for One of the Guys was this last Tuesday. I woke up to some super awesome reviews from my ARC team (Contact me if you want to be part of that team), but my work is never done just because the book is out.

I want to keep up with the publishing schedule I have had going, which means my next book will be released in April. Of course, it’s not written yet, which might not seem like a huge problem since there is plenty of time between now and April.

The problem is, tax season is in my way. Until the compensation from my books greatly increases, I have to keep my day job, which means back to managing a tax office. I love how the job gives me a lot of free time during the summer and fall, but during winter and spring, my time is tight. Ideally, I would like my April release to have its first draft done before January.

That’s only two weeks. I have a great start on it, but I keep getting distracted by ideas for future books. While I love the idea that I never seem to run out of ideas for books, it’s difficult to stay on topic with the one I am currently working on.

Dying the Fit In will be the next installment of the #YouAreNotAlone series. It follows Miles, which you may remember being mentioned in both Out on the Ice as well as One of the Guys, where he is portrayed as the bad guy, as he is the one who started the bullying of Tristan which ultimately led to his death. We all know I have a sweet spot for those bad boys. Maybe he’s not as bad as he seems.

Struggling with losing both of his best friends, Miles turns his sights on making sure the school remembers Tristan and ensuring no one is pushed to suicide. He finds out a lot about himself along the way.

Miles is full of secrets. Not only is his sexuality in question, but he has had a weight problem his entire life. Tristan had helped him stop comfort eating and focus on his diet and exercise. With Tristan gone, Miles returned to his old habits. Unhappy with the weight gain, he is struck with an eating disorder that could ultimately claim his life as well.

Jeremy Carter is a super sweet musician that has been stuck in my head for a couple of years now, but I couldn’t find a story that he actually fits in. He doesn’t let people see him for who he truly is, only the guy he portrays on stage. He turns to drinking to cope with the depression he feels from hiding that part of himself.

Miles and Jeremy come from completely different worlds, but they both struggle with issues that could literally kill them, just to be seen for who they want to be.

Once I finish Dying to Fit in, I plan on revisiting some of the other characters from the Out on the Ice and One of the Guys. Taylor and Jared are two that stick out to me. Taylor is gender fluid, while Jared is a hockey star who can’t seem to escape his brother’s shadow. Both of which have the potential for an amazing story.

Hopefully, I don’t lose inspiration for this story while I get lost behind a tax desk for the next four months…

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