My Life,  Wrestling

Obsessed With Wrestling

I could sit and come up with a million excuses as to why my writing has taken a back burner lately, but that’s all they would be. Excuses.

I was a couple of chapters into a new book. This one would be from the point of view of Jared and Taylor. The problem was, it seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere. I had to force myself to sit down and write, and a reader would definitely be able to tell that. The story didn’t flow like my other ones.

I was completely blocked.

I put my notebooks aside and focused on life.

That life involves four kids in school and one in the military (and he finally graduated Boot Camp!). Countless hours in the car, driving to various appointments, theater rehearsals, and sporting events. The only “me” time I really had was when my husband, son, and I sat down to watch wrestling.

For those of you that are parents, you understand how difficult it is to find something in common with a twelve year old boy. He would 100% prefer to lock himself in his room playing video games or on calls with his friends.

Unless wrestling is on.

Our weekend for All Out was absolutely amazing. The weekend started with the two hour drive to Gurnee to see my oldest son graduate Navy Boot Camp. Then we sat around the base all day, waiting for the proper paperwork for a million people to be filled out, and then we were able to bring him home with us for the weekend.

Saturday morning, we got up crazy early. Packed the husband, twelve year old, and Navy boy into the car and drove back to the Chicago area. We had All Out Fan Fest to attend!

My oldest son isn’t super into wrestling like the younger one, but he still enjoyed it. He met Christian Cage, who was one of the wrestlers he used to watch when he was into it. Collin got to meet Darby Allin, which made his freaking year. As we were in line for something (no idea exactly what, but Fan Fest was definitely a lot of standing in lines), a lesser-known wrestler was wandering the crowd. I called him over and asked to take a picture with my oldest son. This wrestler was Cap’t Shawn Dean, a retired Navy Captain. He stood around talking about the Navy with my oldest son for about twenty minutes. Never once talked about wrestling. Shawn even posted the picture of the two of them to his Twitter and got my kid a million likes.

While we were in line to meet Christian, my husband recognized the people standing in front of us. It was the same couple that we sat next to during a live Dynamite event in Milwaukee the week before! We added each other to social media and went on our own ways, but of course, we kept running into each other as the day went on.

I could talk about Fan Fest all day, but there were other events that weekend that deserve my time as well.

When Fan Fest was over, I look the guys to the hotel and I set of by myself for the very first AEW Heels Meet Up. Heels is a group specifically for women that are fans of the predominantly male sport. I met so many amazing people. Got pictures with many of my favorite competitors. Talked to Thunderosa for a good twenty minutes about her non-profit organizations. Just a group of women enjoying being themselves. It was great.

Sunday was the PPV. It started in early afternoon with a preparty outside. This preparty had several wrestlers wandering around in the crowd. Great music. A live Colt Cabana podcast. The perfect way to lead into the event itself, which I will have to save for another day.

The bottom line is, because of this obsession with wrestling, I not only have something that brings my family closer, but I am writing again! Can’t wait to share more!

Jayson with Captain Sean Dean at All Out Fan Fest 2021

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