Adventures in D&D: Part One: Introduction

Have you ever lost something and not even realized it was lost? Even if it was a major part of your life before it was taken?

I was taken from my family before I could even recognize who they were, but I knew something was different. I was probably a child before I realized the family of elves that raised me wasn’t my family.

I mean, where were their wings? Why couldn’t they fly? Why was I so much smaller than them? Why was I a fairy when they are elves?

I have no idea if the elves were the ones that took me, or if I ended up with them in a different way, but I didn’t want to stick around to find out. I ran away from the only home I ever knew.

Now long after leaving home, I stumbled across a brightly lit carnival. The sounds from inside told me people were having so much fun. I stood outside and tried to see inside, but everything seemed to be surrounded by a mist. Every once in a while, I could see other flying creatures and wondered if maybe my real family could be in there.

I had no money, so I snuck in.

It was amazing! I spent about an hour just taking in the sights before a hag grabbed me by the back of the neck.

“You don’t belong here,” she rasped. “You have no ticket.”

“I’m sorry,” I cried, immediately bursting into tears. “I just want to find my family!”

Instead of responding to me, she muttered a spell in a language I didn’t understand. The next thing I knew, I was back outside the gates. Something was wrong. I felt like something was missing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was: I didn’t have anything with me when I ran away, so what could I possibly be missing?

I found an old, abandoned building on the outskirts of town to sleep in. I was determined to return to the carnival the next day. Maybe I could find some money for a ticket.

The next day, before heading to the carnival, I wandered around town. I talked to people that didn’t treat me like I was just an annoying kid. While I talked to them, I utilized the only skill my Elven “parents” had taught me.

I didn’t want to steal from people, but it was the only way I would be able to get enough money to get back to the carnival, and I somehow knew I had to be at that carnival.

A few hours later, I left town with more than enough gold and other small, shiny treasures hidden away in my pockets. I headed straight back to the carnival, but it was gone. There was no sign of it.

What do I do now? I thought to myself.

Without a place to do, I wandered back to another small town. Every day, I went back to the place I had found the carnival, but it was never there.

I settled into town. I helped out at an Inn, but I made more money pickpocketing than I ever did by working. Still, it didn’t feel right, so I tried to avoid it. Unless there was something shiny. I had a weakness for shiny treasure.

Eventually, I learned that the carnival travels to other realms, only returning near me every eight years.

The next time the carnival returned, I was ready. I bought my ticket and was just as amazed by the place as I had been all those years ago.

It felt like home to me. One day wasn’t enough. I wanted to be there all the time, so I got a job there. I traveled with the carnival for several years, making some great friends, although I never really got to know the owners, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light.

Over the years, I completely forgot about my old life. One morning, I woke up suddenly realizing what had been stolen from me at the carnival so many years ago.

I had lost my writing ability, and I wanted it back…

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this campaign. Many events, including many of the characters, are part of the campaign The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I am simply chronicling the events that my party has taken. This story is not for sale, nor do I receive any compensation for it.

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