Adventures in D&D: Part Two: The Carnival

As I set off for the ticket booth, determined to get answers, there was already a group of people looking just as confused as I was.

It was a unique group. A Genasi, a half-Elf, a Tiefling, and a Harengon. We all introduced ourselves, and it seemed like we all were there for the same reason.

When Bhavi, the Tiefling, approached the ticket booth to buy a ticket, she was told that our entire group already had tickets purchased and waiting for us. I was skeptical at first, but once he informed us that it was Ellywick Tumblestrum that purchased the tickets, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The only downside about being a paid guest at the carnival was we were forced to wear stupid, brightly-colored butterfly wings. I had loved them as a child, but they cramped my real wings.

Of course, I made it work.

While looking at a map, our party decided to head for the Dragonfly Rides, where we were greeted by a majestic tree named Northwind and his charming little squirrel, Red. During our ride, one of the dragonflies went off-course while carrying a terrified-looking dwarf. I jumped off my dragonfly and flew to assist, but Aura, the Genasi, cast a spell that allowed the dwarf to safely get to the ground.

During the commotion, I noticed a cloaked figure that appeared to be muttering a spell, and I told my group about it. We set off to follow the figure. Raven, the half-Elf used some sort of spell to make the figure stop.

It was Kettlesteam. Kettlesteam was well-known around the carnival for causing problems.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kettlesteam said with a voice that didn’t sound like it could be their own. She explained that her patron, Zybilna, was no longer in touch with her: something was wrong. She wants to question the carnival owners because she believes they know something. She overheard a conversation between Mr. Light and Mr. Witch.

Mr. Light was worried about the carnival being shut down. Mr. Witch gently reminded him that they agree to a pact that allows the Hourglass Coven to take what they want while the carnival remains open.

Kettlesteam cannot entire the land of Prismeer in the Feywild, but she begs us to go to figure out what happened to Zybilna.

Of course, we have our own quest to worry about.

At the Feasting Orchard, Bhavi and Aura decided to try their luck in a cake-eating contest. Aura won. Then our misfit party met Ellywick Tumblestrum, who was the one who had bought our tickets. While she wouldn’t accept any type of gratitude, she assured us we were exactly where and when we were supposed to be, but she wouldn’t elaborate.

At the Lost Property Wagon, we met Dirlagraun, a displacer beast that cares for lost children, although their own child had been lost for several years. Of course, they asked us to try to find their missing cub, but again, we are on our own quest.

At the Carousel, we met Diana Cloppington, who wants us to help repaint the wooden unicorns, which means we have to figure out their names after a series of clues. There were four pairs. Fortune and Bold. Pride and Fall. Stone and Moss. Stitch and Nine.

In exchange for painting the unicorns, she offered a ride for free. While riding Stitch, I heard a voice in my head.

“The hag you seek is Skabatha Nightshade. Her lair is a dead, hallowed-out tree in a sylvan forest. She sleeps in a dollhouse and cannot remember the first creatures she sees when she wakes up.”

Judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, they were hearing voices as well.

It was clear. We had to somehow find a way to the FeyWilde.

But how?

There had to be some clue in this carnival.

We continued our journey and wandered to the Hall of Illusions. Candlefoot, a clown that seemed to have muted coloring, let us know that his voice had been stolen from him by none other than Kettlesteam, which made sense that their voice didn’t sound right when we had spoken to them earlier.

Inside the Hall, there was a row of mirrors. Each mirror seemed to depict us in various stages of our lives, from infancy to old age, but we couldn’t find any more clues that would lead us to FeyWilde.

We became jockeys in Snail Racing, which was really weird, but I managed to win a Potion of Advantage when I won the race, so I guess I can’t complain.

Then it was time for the Big Top Extravaganza. We sat and watched various acts. Burly, a BugBear, performed acts of strength. Palasha, a mermaid, dazzled us with song from her clamshell pool. Candlefoot played silent games with the crown. Faerie Dragons performed synchronized flying. Then it was put out to the audience.

Of course, our Bard, Raven wanted to perform, but he struggled in the beginning, so the rest of us jumped up to help.

After our awesome performance, Burly wanted to take us to meet Mr. Witch and Mr. Light. He led us to a particularly ostentatious wagon, but I noticed an old clown glaring at us when we passed. The owners of the carnival explain that Mr. Light’s septer picks up emotions, and expresses his gratitude for the cheer we have brought to the carnival.

Then they ask us what brought us there, and we make the mistake of telling them the truth: we all lost something during a past visit. Of course, they remember us and don’t think too highly of the mistakes we had made in the past.

“The Wheel of Time turns ever on. What’s lost is lost; what’s gone is gone,” says Mr. Witch just before Burly escorts us from the trailer.

“Things are bad,” Burly tells us. “People and things are coming up missing from the carnival. I think Mr. Witch and Mr. Light know more than they are letting on, but the only way to get them to talk would be if someone had some leverage.” He suggests stealing Mr. Witch’s watch to use as leverage.

The party seems for it, but I am skeptical. Sure, I have survived the last several years by being a thief, but I know all too well what happens to someone that steals from the carnival.

We play some mini-games while we attempt to come up with a plan to steal the watch. With only an hour to spare before the carnival crowns the Witchlight Monarch for the night, I beg the team to head to Pixie Kingdom.

Most fairies and pixies do not get along, but I had made many friends there during my time at the carnival, and I knew Pixie Kingdom was a magical place. I knew it would distract me from thinking about what stealing this watch could mean.

We were given pixie names when we entered and were shrunk to pixie size. I was Jellybean Starfish. We played hide and seek with the pixies. We rode a tiny Ferris Wheel that was run by a hamster. It was the perfect escape.

Then it was time to head to the ceremony to crown the Witchlight Monarch, which was decided by Mr. Light’s septer. Raven was crowned because of all the smiles he had brought to the carnival.

Everything seemed to move so fast. Just as I was getting ready to swipe the watch, Ellywick appeared. “It’s high time you folks were elsewhere,” she tells us as she leads us away from the crowds.

We hear Mr. Witch and Mr. Light vaguely as we approach a portal Ellywick opens in the Hall of Illusions.

“Mind the rule of Three: future, present past,” says one.

“Find the alacorn and free the dormant queen at last,” was the last words I heard before stumbling into the portal and venturing further into the unknown.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this campaign. Many events, including many of the characters, are part of the campaign The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I am simply chronicling the events that my party has taken. This story is not for sale, nor do I receive any compensation for it.

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